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Tag: Value Proposition Design

Value proposition design is a concept that helps to design products or services in such a way that they optimally solve customers’ needs and problems. It focuses on the benefits that an offer provides to attract and retain customers.

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jobs to be done podcast


Dirk Roeder: The interface between blockchain technology and the corporate world

Discover how blockchain and bitcoin technologies are revolutionising the corporate world in our podcast ‘The Bitcoin Effekt’ with Dirk Roeder from Deutsche Telekom MMS. Find out more about the challenges and opportunities of integrating these technologies in large companies.


Relai CEO Julian Liniger: The bridge between bitcoin technology and people

In a world where disruptive technologies set the tone, Bitcoin is also repeatedly at the centre of many discussions. Julian Liniger, CEO of Relai and Forbes 30 Under 30 winner, dives deep into the challenges and solutions of buying Bitcoin and discusses how to make technology accessible to everyone.


JTBD Research and Product Development

🎧JTBD Deep Dive: From Research and Product Development🎧Dive into the world of product development and research with Jobs to Be Done! Learn about the challenges and misunderstood tools in this field. Get valuable insights and take your products to the next level. Listen to the podcast now!👂💻💡