15. June 2020
JTBD Meetup #24 – Kebab-flavoured pizza

What is the job of this pizza?
Is this disruptive, market-creating, or irrelevant? Is your next product, feature, marketing idea, sales strategy… (you name it) from the customer’s point of view super relevant or irrelevant? That’s the question that will be the topic at our next Meetup in Cologne.
What progress provides to your product to customers?
Do you have any certaintyabout what your customers are really going to buy and are you able to build a predictably successful product with it? We don’t either. But we have a theory and an excellent toolsetthat will help you get this information in very short time. At the Meetup on 05.03.2020 you can try it yourself.
Registration here:
Exclusively and directly on meetup.com – whether it’s already possible you can check here:
Our hosts on 05.03.2020: Okandada, at Hohenzollernring 16-18 in 50672 Cologne

You want to prepare yourself?
It’s not really necessary, but if you really want to, listen to our podcasts about Jobs to Be Done! Right here